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Using board and mouse with Goldeneye


New member
I have set up Goldeneye 007 to run on Project 64 using a keyboard and mouse and am happy with the setup, but there is one problem.

Because of the way Goldeneye was setup originally, the manual aim option is unusable unless you use a modifier to adopt an alternate configuration. The problem is that whenever I press the button that activates the alternate control, I can no longer use the keyboard to move forward and back. It doesn't matter what keys I have movement mapped to. The modifier is not set to toggle, so it should only be in effect while the button is held. I have also tried setting the mod activator to different buttons.

I am using 1.6 and what I think is the last version of N-Rage's input plugin. Any advice?


New member
I'm not sure I understand how you've got it set up, but as general advice the keyboard often doesn't register several button presses at the same time. So if you're holding down the R button it might not register any other keypresses. Or you might want to use a different in-game control setting, such as the two-player ones, because they don't use the hold-R-to-aim in-game modifier.


New member
Well, the problem is not that I can't move while holding down R-trigger. You're not supposed to anyway. The problem is that, once I release the R-trigger, I still can't move.

What do you mean two-player settings?


New member
Nevermind, I got the two-player setting. Might be able to make it work if I play around with it enough.


New member
With the two-player setting, like 2.2 Galore, you can configure it like a modern FPS and you'll be able to move and aim at the same time, etc. Set player 1's stick to WASD and player 2's to your mouse. ^_^


New member
The two-player setup gets it pretty close, but still not quite right. It's decently playable but I won't be able to do anything like time runs or higher difficulty settings.
