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usf on linux


New member
Hi I was wondering how easy would it be to use Mupen's code to make an xmms plugin or some kind of application to play usf files on linux? Or would it be easier to try and port the winamp plugin 64th note over to linux? It would be great to be able to listen to usf files without having to use wine.


Sony battery
I agree with you. I know there's a plugin for XMMS that lets you use Winamp's visualization plugins in XMMS. With the help of Wine maybe an input plugin might be able to do the same for Winamp's input plugins? Of course, the source to the USF plugin is available, so it'd probably be possible to port it too, though I've heard it relies pretty heavily on the Windows API, so I don't know how easy that would be. Maybe I'll look through the source one of these days, but time and skill (particularly in writing for *nix systems) aren't things I have in abundance.
