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Sonic Adventure 2 and Nvidia GFX problems


The Xpaniard
Ok so it's my first time messing around with DC emulation, and I wanted to try Sonic Adventure 2.
I read somewhere around here that Nvidia Graphic Cards have problems with this game. I've tried it and the screen messes up from time to time really badly, but besides that, the game works pretty well.
I was wondering if there is any known solution to that.
My Nvidia card is a GeForce 6600.
Anybody knows what to do? Or is it something that can't be solved?
I read that ATI cards could get that to work better. Is it true?
Thank you for your patience (I'm sure this must have been asked thousands of times but I couldn't find it with the search function)


New member
With ATI cards it locks up when you beat the forest level (and the bank level with the dark characters) anyway so it's not worth the effort.

To my knowledge there's no way to fix it, wait for the new version...
