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Somebody please tell me what microsoft is thinking here.


I prey, not pray.
Ok I was trying to configure some hardware in one of my windows XP machines, and I saw a realy stupid error message:

Volume information for this disk cannot be found. This may happen if the disk is a 1394 or a USB device on a Windows 2000 machine.

Now I have just figured out microsofts new unified bug handling strategy. Instead of fixing bugs, they just tell the user when he/she has found one. "Congratulations, you just found another bug! Now don't do whatever it was you just did again, on whatever version of windows this computer is currently running!"


Mr. Super Clever
Trust microsoft :rolleyes:

They are probably relying on users to report the bugs instead of fully testing the O/S themselves.


Yeah, they make you working as their betatester for your money. Hehe...

Btw. Instead of calling OSes "ME", "XP" is better to name any Windows version "EB" - eternal beta.

Btw ME = "Many errors"


ME = Moron Edition
XP = Xtra Problem Edition
IBM = I Blame Microsoft
IE = Internal Error
NT = Nice Try
PnP = Plug and Pray (In Windows that is :p)
NTFS Nightmare Filesystem
Windows also has preetemptive multitasking; Bootinf and crashing at the same time
Windows = Work Is Never Done On Windows Systems
FAT = Fucked Around Table System
This is an airconditioned room - Do not open Windows
If I wanted Windows, I'd live in a greenhouse
Windows = A solitaire game 9 out of 10 times u end up stuck

What the '95' in 'Windows 95' meens?

1 The year it was due to ship.
2 The number of people who will actually PAY for the upgrade.
3 The number of calls to tech support before you can get it to run.
4 The number of minutes to install.
5 The percentage of existing windoze programs that won't run in
the new OS.
6 The number of pages in the *EASY-INSTALL* version of the
7 The percentage of people who will have to upgrade their
8 The number of floppies it will ship in.
9 The percentage that will be complete on the shipping date.
10 The required number of megabytes of RAM to run at useable speed.
11 The number of seconds before it crashes.

Well I wonder how that would be with win 98 and win2k

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