What's new

ScummVM 0.10.0 Released


Category: <b>Multi System</b><br><br>
• Several new engines and thus new games supported:
  o Sierra AGI engine: Space Quest I & II, King's Quest I-III and many more, including a vast number of fan-made games,
  o Cinematique evo 1 engine: Future Wars,
  o GOB engine: Bargon Attack, Gobliins 2, Goblins 3, Ween: The Prophecy,
  o AGOS engine: Simon the Sorcerer's Puzzle Pack,
  o Parallaction engine: Nippon Safes Inc.,
  o Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer engine.
• DXA movies (higher quality than MPEG2) can be compressed better now and can be used for the Broken Sword cutscenes.
• Added 'Mass Add' feature to the Launcher, which allows you to scan for all games in all subdirectories of a given directory (to use it, press shift then click on "Add Game").
• Many nice improvements to our ports.
• And as usual a gazillion small fixes, tweaks and improvements.

:: ScummVM Official Site
:: ScummVM 0.10.0
