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Rice 6.1.1 problems


New member
I like this video plugin because it's the fastest of all the ones I've used. I have a Radeon 9600 Pro with Cat 5.12 (the fastest most compatible release in recent history according to the Rage3D forums).

I have 2 issues:

1) At points where polygons meet (like the ground on Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time) there are artifacts see picture:

2) On the left or right side of the screen there is a weird border artifact. You don't really see it in this pic but you get the idea:

Does anyone know how to fix this?


News Junkie
I am also using Rice 6.1.1.

Having some problems with

Bomberman 64 (U)
During the opening scene the screen just goes black on and off, on both computers that I tried it on.

Bomberman 64 - The Second Attack! (U)
In Battle Mode sometimes the floor textures just disappear, and it plays pretty slow...

Mario Tennis (U)
During an instant replay (after a point is scored) it gets really choppy/blurry and makes me dizzy. :p Also, the tennis ball occasionally disappears out of nowhere.

Does anyone know the best plugin settings for these or if there's anything I can do to help contribute positively to the development of the Rice plugin without having any prior programming knowledge? :p

(sorry i hijacked your thread, figured there were already enough 'rice 6.1.1 problem' ones...)
