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PsPectrum 0.1 Released


less evil admin ;)
Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>The first release of a Spectrum emulator for the PSP, PsPectrum, has been released. Here's a note from the author.
After 4 months of hard work today is the big day, PsPectrum v.01 is being released. Greetings go to HexDump because of his hard work.
This version of the emulator is far from perfect. Because of that, it would be really helpfull if you post any bug you find on the forums.
More features are being implemented at this time, they couldn´t be pushed in this version because of the lack of time, for example, image streching, 128k sound, etc...
Lot a of people has helped to this project, here some:
Oscar (nice programming tips), Rober (Some images), Unai (nice 565 rendering code), rlyeh (tips on emulation), Z80User (info about speccy hardware), baktery (tips on audio emulation) and all the others, you know who you are (can´t remember everyone :p).

Thanks to Retroguru for the news.
:: PsPectrum Official Site
:: PSPectrum 0.1
