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Project64 port to XBOX


New member
It would be wonderful to port Project64 (the best N64 emulator out there) to the console XBOX.

A lot of coders are doing ports from PC to XBOX and it would be relatively easy to do, since to code is very similar to PC.

So, please, port Project64 to XBOX, lot of people are waiting for it.



Triforce of Something...
It's impossible now. If anyone would do that, the emu would run on the Win2000 BIOS, and AFAIK, It's Ilegal. ¿Why?. Because M$ has the rights of the Core, and they have decided to make impossible to anyone to make a X-Box software legally. Also, until now, you must use the XDK, and it's ilegal to do that.

Bad Solution: PJ64 it's released in X-Box and M$ will deploy a lawyers army to stop it . (The same that happened to X-Box's MAME. And why Daedalus hasn't been released for the X-Box, although that it's running?. Think!)

Good Solution: Wait until X-Box Linux run. It's legal and it would let us have a Powerfull PC with a very special Graphics chip for only US.$200!.

Please, don't ask this again. I now that the X-Box is a very Cheap PC and can be programmed, but if anyone does, it would be challenging Microsoft. WAIT UNTIL X-BOX LINUX!!!!


Site of The XBox Linux Project

CpU MasteR

omg h4x
thecraft said:
Um... XBOX sucks, so don't count on it...

Well your opinion fucking helped didnt it? :plain2:

This is a very hard question because there is only one known N64/XBOX Coder... That is the Author of Daedalus, StrmnNrmn (Storming Norman). The Reason is it hard is because you see PJ64 as the Stable & Great N64 emulator for Windows. For XBOX, Totaly different. The XBOX Doesnt need stablility and Extreme Speed but what would matter most is compatibility but heres the delema. Why would he need to replace his own code with PJ64's? Your saying because it is the best emu arent you? Under the Windows operating system, but this is XBOX. From his progress it doesnt seem that he needs to replace his code with PJ64's. besides, What would be the fun in doing it without Coding it yourself?
besides do you think microsoft would give an sdk to prot pj64 to? or would you want to write a linux version of pj64 then port that
