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Profile for Nrages 2.00 or anyone really. Perfect Dark


New member
Has anyone made a better one than what's already been posted in the Nrage sticky? Just wondering cause I'm trying to make it more steady without the acceleration you get when you turn fast. Also for when using the zoom, is there anyway to change the mouse to Absolute so you get that constant force so you can actually aim?

Looking for one for Control 1.2


New member
here's a mouse setup i made a while back.
download it here

every feature of the pd controls works
last time i uploaded the file it didnt seem to work properly for some ppl.
this was made in nrages direct-input8 v2 1.80a

for it to work u need to change some ingame controls:
controls set to '1.2'
reverse pitch 'off'
aim control 'hold'
(this works for goldeneye too)

overview of controls:
mouse: look
left click: shoot or Z
right: action or B or reload
middle: weap change (scroll) and A and hold for weap select menu

W A S D: move
E: aim (yes, it's in absolute)
E + W or S: zoom or crouch (depending on the weapon)
R: reload or B (for those who play counter-strike etc)
Q: non absolute aim
Enter: pause or start


Plugin Hacker
Wow. Forums completely ate my post. Weird.

1.8x profile files won't load in 2.x until I write a converter for them, and right now I have my hands full. The one posted in the 2.00 sticky thread should switch to absolute automatically when you hold SHIFT to aim. (If it doesn't, you should tell me.) It does this using a modifier. Read up on the manual if you need some more information on how modifiers work.
