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Problem starting games


New member
okay, so i bought a second hand dreamcast and some games a few months ago, i never gave dc a chance (i went sony) and well it was cheap and i was bored, so i bought it.

i got addicted to sonic, i don't know what it is, same with house of the dead, i just couldnt seem to get enough

then.... blammo, my DC wouldnt start .... like, wtf mate? so i thought "well i play my playstation in the computer, surely DC is the same" and begun my quest to once again play sonic

so i came to chankast, and it seems good, but then.... it says sonic isnt a game cd

now, can i play directly from the (original) cd? or do i have to do something to it (like with some ps games that need a patch)

the only other solution i see is to download an illegal version of sonic (well, sorta illegal.... since i own sonic, just not that countries version) and i don't really wanna do that.

oh yeah, i am in Australia (pal) i figured it was the bios i got was non pal, the c_flash is pal, but the bios is god knows what.... its the only one i could find _anywhere_ .... (i downloaded it four times from different places, all exactly the same)

i've tried a few different dc_flash files, none work.

any help to get me back to playing would make me greatly happy


(when dream come true)
drakahn said:
so i just make an iso and run it as a virtual cd?

or are there patches and stuff
2 possible choice :

you can rip it yourself (if you have the cable and the broadband adapter, but you certainly don't have, because it's specificaly made for that, and your dreamcast must work for that) but we can't tell you how (read the rules of the forum)...

or you can download a backup from the net (but we can't help you here too, the rules again...)

you haven't other choice, because dreamcast gdrom can't be read with our computer drive...


New member
so i made a dump and ran vdaemon, ck still just loads sonic (and hotd) as a music cd ....


New member
oh i see ....

damn cause my dc doesnt work

i know where to get the backup but meh, don't think its worth it really
