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Porting question


Leap of Faith
Does anyone know if there is or has ever been an attempt to port Mupen (or any other N64 emu) to PocketPC?

Seems to be one emulator that still escapes the handheld community.


New member
I have a Pocket PC, but it does not provide anywhere near enough CPU or RAM to support a N64 emu... it doesn't even have 3D acceleration. Are the newest models already that much advanced? What's the fastest PocketPC like?


New member
Nowadays some pda's have 3D acceleration I think. I don't know exactly how common it is, but I've seen ones having stuff like that.


Leap of Faith
I have an Axim X30 624mhz. Most advanced emulator I have used so far is FpseCE in hich I have played quite a few PSX titles so far. I assume if Playstation emulation is possible then N64 would be as well?


Emulator Developer
The N64 needs significatively more power than the playstation to be correctly emulated, especially the graphic part, emulating it in software is far less expensive with playstation. It doesn't mean that it's impossible, but it'll be hard IMO. Anyway, i won't do it, i don't own a PDA but somebody else can try.
