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Pokemon Stadium 2


New member
I'm really curious to know, I'm aware that an emulator is available for the GB console. With pokemon stadium 2, I'm know that you can transfer pokemon from the GB console into the game.

Is it all possible that this same method can be achieved through the emulators, if so, how do I do this please.



16-bit Corpse | Moderator
You need to use the Transfer Pak emulation found in the N-rage Input plugin. Search the board for possible guides if you can't figure out how to do it.


New member
I found NRage and have downloaded with much thanks, I even found an emulator that can even play games on its own plus it can trade between two different ROMS, I'm just trying to find the right emulator now that will support pokemon blue or red as most emulators is making the ROM in black and white instead of color.


Active member
Pokemon Red and Blue fully supported the Super Gameboy, so I think that is what he meant by them being in colour. On a standard gameboy, you're stuck with monochrome.


The Great Gunblade Wielder
i wouldn't exactly say fully supported, the game itself could only remap up to 8 colours in each area, even though the SGB allowed changing up to 12.
