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PJ64 Analog Stick Problem (Final level of Conker's Bad Fur Day)


New member
I reached the very last level of Conker's Bad Fur Day where I'm wearing the yellow suit and fighting the alien. I can knock the alien out, and grab him by the tail but spinning him around is the problem....

I'm using a Logitech Rumblepad controller, but it won't spin him fast enough for me to be able to toss him out of the ship...

How can I fix that?

Edit* The Logitech Rumblepad Controller I have is like an exact replica of the Playstation 2 controller, except with different colors and stuff...


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Search the board. You aren't the only one who's asked a question like this.


New member
wow... the whole rotating the camera at the same time that you're spinning the alien thing actually works... who would've thought. I finally beat the game

Thanks Agozer...
