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open source sound plugins


Emulator Developer
Yes but you need a rsp plugin... Anyway i guess you're asking for the macosx port. Don't worry, Flea is currently working on it ;)


New member
actually, I have the highest of trust in flea. So much that I don't worry about his progress.

I'm actually more interested in the xbox port. As recently posted on the emulation64.com website, Daedalus has again been ported. In a more recent build, Input works. Only problem is, sound still doesn't.

On mac os x, sound is not ever so important, iTunes runs awesome in the background, but that's no so easy on xbox.

In any case, where does one download the source for the uhle audio plugin,or the one you are reffering to (are there any others). Then, the next obvious question is, do you think Hikaru, or any coder for that matter could port it to xbox?
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UHLE 2064 audio plugin is not open source.
UltraHLE 1.0.0 is.
UltraHLE 1.0.0 has sound.
UltraHLE 1.0.0 sound core needs fixes.
UltraHLE 1.0.0 sound core also relies on various HLE'd routines.
HLE'd routines hurt man's sanity.
