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ok wtf......


New member
ok ive been trying alot of games on this dolphin emulator for the past few days and they are on the workign list on the site. So anyway when i start everything moves very fast like when it sais "Nintendo" or something it just flashes up and its gone. Finally when i reach the "press start" screen everything is slow as hell and skippy. I have been on this site browsing these threads and the only half assed answer i can get is "buy a gc" or "your computer is to slow" i am damn sure my computer is equivalent actualy alot better then a gc. i am running a 7800 gt with a slightly over clocked amd 64 3200+ and still gettign these results. Any info, help, or a straight answer saying that this emulator just isnt working perfectly good would be a great answer just give me a straight answer so i can stop waisting my time attempting to do this or dont post at all.



Active member
Seriously, you cannot run a GC emulator fullspeed on any PC (apart from PD games or Bust-a-Move that use a fraction of the GC's power)

Emulation has nothing to do with 'my PC is more powerful, everything should be fast'. You can't wrap functions, they have to be emulated since they have completely different architectures. Graphics card does not help any here, everything is emulated on that CPU. If you don't believe me, then a Saturn emulator would bring your PC to it's knees extremely easily, with extremely high or 100% CPU use. Gamecube is even harder to emulate at speed than Saturn. You have to accept that emulating a system of this power is extremely difficult.

In about five years, you may see something usable in terms of speed with a top of the line rig, and by that time, your PC would be long outdated, and you could have just bought a GC for a few quid.

This question comes up many times per day. You could have searched a bit deeper here.
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New member
well that makes sense now thats its explained..thankyou and now i go to delete some unneeded files for a few years :)


Active member
Because not everybody cares solely about playing the games, but in the achievement of being able to code an application that is able to run a complex system on a completely different architecture. Speed is the least important thing. Same goes for any next generation emulation, such as Dreamcast, Xbox and PS2.

Also, BSNES - a Snes emulator that is probably the most accurate for the Snes, but in doing so requires an AMD processor at 2.0GHz - people see this emulator as a major breakthrough because finally their favourite games sound right rather than caring about system requirements.
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owns a dollar-can buy your ass
the fact that you complain about the game being "slow" or skippy as you put it, tells me that your just here to play the games. My friend the heart and soul of emulation64 does not lie simply in the idea of playing these games. It is the acheivement and effort made into making a gamecube playable. It is people like you that make the authors of the emulators scarce these days because they are so pushed for time and compatibility and speed they don't have any time to delge into there personal life. I apologize for seemingly pointing out directly to you, but it is not just you, it is people like you in general that I am referring too. The emulator authors have to take there time away from there work, lovelife, personal vendettas, and other things just to make an effot into these projects.

I am getting sick and tired of hearing these threads and I may be new to this site as a user, but I've been here basically just keeping an eye out on this site for quite some time. This is a magnificant emulation community and for the record, it's not just a site for gamers to come and get there emulators and complain about speed. Do that for zsnes or some other emulator that has been so far off into development its basically close to perfection, then I can understand your issues on speed and compatibility.

Most of the authors of these emulators don't just emulate a system so they can play games, they want to know how there system of choice works and understand the ins and outs of the system.

Personally I think we need to make a new thread titled "for people having problems with GC compatibility and speed, check out this thread" and in the thread have one nice big post stating "BECAUSE THE EMULATOR HASN'T GOTTEN THAT FAR STUPID, SO STOP ASKING! LOOK MORE INTO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS OF THE EMULATOR THEN COME BACK WHEN ITS ALMOST FINISHED AND COMPLAIN THEN" but hey thats just me because I am tired of threads starting off with non topic subjects like "ok wtf......" just to get me to come in here to check it out when it ends up being a god damn thread about someone complaining about the emu authors efforts to get gamex working or speed at 100%.

Had you of really checked all of the threads and read through them, you would find that people like clements and others OVERLY state the reasons why GC emulation or any other emulator for that matter isn't on to par from your expectations.

Do you want to get your games to play that bad? Then my advice is this.


As for the rest of us, we understand the authors don't have all the time in the world and if I may speak for myself, I appreciate and understand wholeheartedly the troubles emu authors must go through to get where they want in there emulator of choice. To those of you, let it be known:

I thank you for all your efforts in giving me the ability to replay my old games and getting me into computers that I am today.

Had it not of been emulators, computers probably wouldn't have been my thing.

Sorry for the long post. Shoot me.


emu enthusiast
In about five years, you may see something usable in terms of speed with a top of the line rig
Probably full speed will be reached in less time, but who cares actually? I love the emulator the way it is; I think most of us don't actually care about speed and it's an amazing thing that the emulator is able to run anything at all.

Offtopic: look at the pcsx2, it was rather impossible to reach such speed. And look now... :drool:

I think we need to make a new thread titled "for people having problems with GC compatibility and speed, check out this thread" and in the thread have one nice big post stating "BECAUSE THE EMULATOR HASN'T GOTTEN THAT FAR STUPID, SO STOP ASKING! LOOK MORE INTO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS OF THE EMULATOR THEN COME BACK WHEN ITS ALMOST FINISHED AND COMPLAIN THEN"

I'm also new but I don't think that being extremely rude would get none of us further with anything at all.
Okay, I know that almost all posts go that way and it gets old, although that's not a reason to be mean.


New member
I know on the forms I help run we made a "IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE BANNED READ THIS" forum. It seems to work for the most part.


owns a dollar-can buy your ass
galford_bust said:
I'm also new but I don't think that being extremely rude would get none of us further with anything at all.
Okay, I know that almost all posts go that way and it gets old, although that's not a reason to be mean.

LOL I know, I just wanted to be dramatic is all. :p No harm intended.


New member
i agree there r tons of useless threads on here about the same rubbish.if ppl want speed they should cheak out the new gc emu called GCEmu it runs games at decent speeds but hardly ne games play on it as yet were dolphin has a much larger comp list.ive seen posts on here were ppl r saying the teams should get 2gther and finsh an emu with both but that in it self is a joke bec both teams wants 2 show what they can do with their own skills and not by a joint effot.mayb 1 day we will c a finshed gc emu but i belive this emu is more of a show of skill then giving the public anouther way 2 rip nintendo off such amount of money by giving them a free gamecube option.i wanted 2 play gamecube games so i brought a gamecube and games is such a thing so hard and if u havnt got the money for this we dont care we all have 2 work hard 4 what we want thats just life.sry about along post about the same rubbish.


emu enthusiast
Well, it's really useless to talk about morals. IMO, morals has nothing to do with emulation, gaming or even nintendo; the same way nintendo rips off developers there is retribution to that by those game copy pirates that rip off them. And not everyone has to work hard to get what they want, but since this is the dolphin forum and not an "what's fair and what's not fair" forum, we should stop discussing such things, it's just the way it goes.:bounce: :cheers: :borg:
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New member
Ruthless_Edge said:
the fact that you complain about the game being "slow" or skippy as you put it, tells me that your just here to play the games. My friend the heart and soul of emulation64 does not lie simply in the idea of playing these games. It is the acheivement and effort made into making a gamecube playable. It is people like you that make the authors of the emulators scarce these days because they are so pushed for time and compatibility and speed they don't have any time to delge into there personal life. I apologize for seemingly pointing out directly to you, but it is not just you, it is people like you in general that I am referring too. The emulator authors have to take there time away from there work, lovelife, personal vendettas, and other things just to make an effot into these projects.

I am getting sick and tired of hearing these threads and I may be new to this site as a user, but I've been here basically just keeping an eye out on this site for quite some time. This is a magnificant emulation community and for the record, it's not just a site for gamers to come and get there emulators and complain about speed. Do that for zsnes or some other emulator that has been so far off into development its basically close to perfection, then I can understand your issues on speed and compatibility.

Most of the authors of these emulators don't just emulate a system so they can play games, they want to know how there system of choice works and understand the ins and outs of the system.

Personally I think we need to make a new thread titled "for people having problems with GC compatibility and speed, check out this thread" and in the thread have one nice big post stating "BECAUSE THE EMULATOR HASN'T GOTTEN THAT FAR STUPID, SO STOP ASKING! LOOK MORE INTO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS OF THE EMULATOR THEN COME BACK WHEN ITS ALMOST FINISHED AND COMPLAIN THEN" but hey thats just me because I am tired of threads starting off with non topic subjects like "ok wtf......" just to get me to come in here to check it out when it ends up being a god damn thread about someone complaining about the emu authors efforts to get gamex working or speed at 100%.

Had you of really checked all of the threads and read through them, you would find that people like clements and others OVERLY state the reasons why GC emulation or any other emulator for that matter isn't on to par from your expectations.

Do you want to get your games to play that bad? Then my advice is this.


As for the rest of us, we understand the authors don't have all the time in the world and if I may speak for myself, I appreciate and understand wholeheartedly the troubles emu authors must go through to get where they want in there emulator of choice. To those of you, let it be known:

I thank you for all your efforts in giving me the ability to replay my old games and getting me into computers that I am today.

Had it not of been emulators, computers probably wouldn't have been my thing.

Sorry for the long post. Shoot me.

i agree, i was going to go ranting and raving, but what Ruthless_Edge said pretty much sums it all up
