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no$gba v2.8a released


May 3, 2015

Just released no$gba v2.8a. I've been planning to release updates more frequently, but as usually, it took three months to get everything polished, so here comes another new hardcore update - http://problemkaputt.de/gba.htm

There are some general GBA/NDS emulation fixes, and some GUI fixes. But the main focus is on DSi, especially on the eMMC filesystem. As with the previous DSi updates, the whole thing will probably appear to be totally useless to most people; most of the DSi hardware is documented & emulated, but the DSi memory initialization is still unknown, so the emulation won't work with commercial games. At it's best, it may be useful for stuff like debugging/developing homebrew DSi code.

Anyways, it's now possible to decrypt the DSi bootcode, so it should be possible to figure out the DSi memory initialization, and there's a quite good chance that the NEXT no$gba version will be actually able to run official DSi software.

03 May 2015 - version 2.8a
- dsi/help: added little-endian AES pseudo code with double-checked test values
- dsi/files/help: added camera pit.bin and jpec/exif specs (unknown signature)
- dsi/files/help: added TWLFontTable.dat specs (with unknown compression)
- dsi/files/help: added specs/compression for "wifi firmware" (unknown purpose)
- dsi/files/help: added specs for TWLCFGn.dat (user settings) (as far as known)
- dsi/files/help: added specs for misc files and log files
- dsi/files/help: more details for "tad" files (sd card .bin) and for HNB_.lst
- dsi/files/help: added partial specs on certificate and whitelist stuff
- dsi/help: notes on emmc decryption being possible for boot code and partitions
- dsi/mem/help: added info on various main ram regions (2FFxxxxh and 2000400h)
- debug: filesystem viewer: allows to view eMMC partition trees (like NDS carts)
- debug: filesystem viewer: double click saves selected file (to fixed filename)
- dsi/help: specs for eMMC images ("DSi-#.mmc" with "DSi eMMC CID/CPU" footer)
- gaming version: fixed crash when starting emu without cartridge in nds mode
- debug version: fixed messed intro screen when booting without cart in nds mode
- nds/3d/help: added note on invalid gx commands being ignored by hardware
- nds/3d: made 'invalid gx command' warning optional (as part of bad io warning)
- gba/help: updated gba/thumb open-bus specs in unpredictable things chapter
- gba/emu: better prefetch for reads from unused memory by code in WRAM/OAM/BIOS
- dsi/help: added summary (and complete list) of files/folders on SD/MMC storage
- layer setup: allows to disable video layers, 3d effects, and 3d hide tests
- layer setup: allows to disable nds sound channels, and separate sound formats
- gba/bios-clone: swi cpufastset length rounded-up to n*8 words (thanks ricardo)
- nds/auxspi: forces spi-busy bit (and unused bits) to zero (thanks Frederic)
- setup: added "setup_nds_system" in gaming version, too (thanks Kokoji)
- setup: fixed some crashes on gba/nds/dsi mode changes (mainly tty-related)
- dsi/help: added MBR, VBR, FAT, and LFN specs to SD/MMC filesystem chapters
- dsi/help: added console id chapter (cid, 4004d00h, barcode, mac, wfc id)
- dsi/help: added AES ndma notes (block size, start-ndma before starting aes)
- dsi/aes: emulates aes-io-ports, and aes-irq (no aes-dma yet though)
- dsi/aes: ported AES functions to native DSi-style little-endian format
- dsi/help: updated AES i/o port chapter (many details, additions, corrections)
- dsi/help: discovered eMMC 120bit CID value (at 2FFD7BCh in main ram)
- dsi/cartbooter: allows dsiware/system code to exceed 4MB (unlike ROM carts)
- gui: help-engine on win95/winNT4: forces IDC_ARROW (instead of IDC_HAND)
- gui: uses GetScrollInfo/SetScrollInfo in help-engine (except for win31...?)
- dsi/help: identified AIC3000D as TSC2117, added lots of specs from datasheet
- debug: added SPI logging option (in TTY window) (cart, powerman, flash, tsc)
- dsibrew: updated the NUS Downloader/database page (some additions/corrections)
- dsi/help: added note on teak being actually used (by two system utilities)
- dsi/cartloader: added ".app" to standard extensions (for nus downloader files)
- dsi/help: added more cart header details (region flags, system/dsiware flags)
- dsi: emulates dsipstat.bit6=1 (lcd init ready) (needed for dsi system menu)
- nds/dsi: allows writing dispstat.bit7 (MSB of 9bit LYC) (unlike 8bit gba LYC)




EmuTalk Member
Hey, I see he fixed the SWI CPUFastSet length :) Definitely an edge case, but I've seen it affect a couple of GBA games (Guilty Gear on the GBA iirc).
