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Nintendo 64 Emulation Documentation



New member
Okay, I realized something. My docs...are full of wrongly-worded misinformation. Only now have I noticed...so many things I should've have said. Hacktarux's claim for example was like years ago. And 1964 team did not guarantee a new release. There is so much else I have to fix...even grammar. :p

Even though there are no requests, I have decided that, if this is published as a website, I will continue adding games (and fixing, I should add). I plan to add games to the point where I'll need to sort them into alphabetical folders, and perhaps even manage to cover all of Bighead's games. Not to mention the annoying Credits page.... The Other Emulators page...they are emulators, just not for commercial games. And if I already knew that, why didn't I.... RSP is reality signal processor, not P for plugin, and all this other stuff.

There are a few reasons why I have decided to request server space to put this documentation into website form.
  1. A couple users so far have said that they could not open the file. I forget which reason...unknown extension, server not found...I just don't know. I only know that I have no fix for it other than to request a server space.
  2. So that you can all link to the pages everytime someone here posts a request for fixing game issues, instead of linking to a CHM and asking them to go to a certain page.
  3. So I don't have to use a CHM compiler...not only have I failed in getting a title other than "HTML help", I have found other discomforts not worth file size compression.
  4. So that I don't have to reply to this thread every certain updates I make. I will have a main page writing the last update time and perhaps every once in a huge set of updates reply here.
I waited until now to post this because I was busy with school, always procrastinating and finding other things to distract proper prioritizing. I know it's wrong, but I still do it! It's annoying...so now, I want to use this time to make a valuable resource, but an online/website subdomain resource like BigHead's, or 'merge' my list with his space.
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Have you already requested server space then? You already have a space at emuxhaven. This should be plenty I think?


New member
I was granted it. Don't remember if I asked, but I will e-mail Bighead.

Yes, that's true: I do have a space at emuxhaven, but I said that I wanted to turn this support CHM file into an online website, for the above four reasons. Do not take me for a greedy child; I doubt it'll take up that much space in website form, the way I write my HTML at least....

It's not going to have any images, just white pages and black text. Not here to scare anyone with the idea or anything; I'm just tired of recompiling the CHM every specific update I make. It's easier to have a "last updated" text in my signature and be able to update the guide directly. I don't like double-posting in this thread; I want it to become a news/corrections (even if it's spelling/grammar; smack the shit out of me) thread besides things like updates, unless it's major or something.


If you have space, then you could just start uploading your guide ;) Otherwise, the first step would be to acquire web space first.


New member
Yes, I know, the power of time...:p.

Not going to get all over fixing it right away immediately if and when I get the web space, since I'm occupied with some other transitions right now (ex. here comes Vista...oh God), so I would prefer this space to be unpopular/unheard of until about I'm back in work for sure, two days later at most, but I remain dedicated.
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Ah, hiding your work until it's done, eh? Hehehe... nice.
Anyway, good luck on your list and your new site list project.
