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Need plugin....?

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New member
Hello, I was trying to play Yoshi Story, but under the rom list it says video plugin required, the note says "missing graphics, F3DEX 1.xx"......... I'm using the Jabo's Direct3d 7 1.40

I only played Mario Kart and Mario 64 and both runs fine....but I'm have trouble with Yoshi Story, the NINTENDO title don't appear, and I see the opening menu....when I try to start a game I see complete darkness but apparently I can move.

Also, It indicates Waverace 64 is okay for 1 players....but whenever I load the ROM I see the N64 Logo and that's it nothing happens....

Please Help THX!
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N64 Addict
Yoshi Story is not playable/supported. (unsupported uCode F3DEX 1.xx) You should allways check your roms with GoodN64, this way you know if its a bad rom or not, and lastly make sure your using the latest Project64.rdb file.


The japanese version actually works up to that the game starts, but you won't see anything besides Yoshi, so it's pretty unplayable. Nothing ot do 'bout it.


New member
it's smart to look at the RDB file to see the comments for each game before you download it.


megahuge gaming bwner
To Yoshi

I heard something about the unofficial Daedalus D-something and that it might work for Yoshi.

Don't know. you can download it off EMutalk, but i haven't tested it out yet.
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