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Need a tad bit of help here >.>;


New member
I was wondering how to hook up my 360 controller to the emulator or just the keyboard controls for it >>; too lazy to search through google and stuff to look for the info. thanks in advance for help

EDIT: found out the controls, but for some reason none of them work, I really need some help here now
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New member
...? maybe try *not* being too lazy to read the documentation?
Plug in your controller, calibrate it in windows control panel, go to project64>options>configure controller plugin, select your controller (or not if using the keyboard), and use the obvious functionality for assigning controls.
And for best results pj64>options>settings>set controller plugin to n-rage.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
It might also be a good idea to search the board for info about Project64 and XBOX controllers. you certainly aren't the only one who has asked a question like this.
