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MESS 0.103 Released


Category: <b>Multi System</b><br><br>
System Driver Changes:
- [ADVISION] Added sound support. [Dan Boris]
- [AMIGA] Fixed regression introduced in MESS 0.102. (bug #801) [Nate Woods]
- [APPLE2P] Fixed BIOS. (bug #820) [Nick Westgate]
- [ARCADIA] Added support for 12k cartridges, fixed a buffer overrun and enhanced sound generation. [Irving Gould]
- [AT486] Fixed regressions introduced in MESS 0.102. [Nate Woods]
- [C128] Fixed regressions introduced in MESS 0.102. [Nate Woods]
- [DGNBETA] Implemented MMU, keyboard and floppy support. [Phill Harvey-Smith]
- [GAMEBOY] Fixed several games that did not loard properly. (bug #116) [Wilbert Pol]
- [NES] PPU, palette reading, mapper and sprite handling enhancements and implemented some undocumented N2A03 opcodes. (bugs #810, #811) [Rob Bohms]
- [NES] Switched to use the MAME NES APU implementation. [R. Belmont]
- [PCE] Added imperfect sound. [Rob Bohms]
- [SGI] Added a harddisk to the ip22 systems. [R. Belmont]
- [SNES] Fixed save RAM to store and save properly, improved memory mapping improved raster timing, added HIRQ support and better VIRQ support, improved joypad support, DSP-1 support (including all subtypes), Counter latching support, fixed OAM read/write. [R. Belmont]

User Interface Changes:
- [Windows GUI] Fixed a bug that prevented column width changes in the software picker from being saved. (bug #589) [Nate Woods]
- [Windows GUI] Fixed a bug that caused "ghost filenames" to be introduced when using images with spaces in the filename. (bug #784) [Nate Woods]
- [Windows GUI] Fixed a bug that could cause clones to not be ran due to software settings "spilling" over onto the clones. (bug #704) [Oliver Stoeneberg]

Imgtool Changes:
- Implemented a feature that allows filters to qualify files, to see if they are appropriate for any given filter. [Nate Woods]
- Updated Mac module; moved to floppy abstraction system, as well as support for directories and filters. MFS disk image creation now works. [Nate Woods]
- Added support for modules to specify specific for icons. Enhanced the Mac module to support this feature. [Nate Woods]
- [Imgtool] Changed the Imgtool "put" command to require a destination argument, like the UNIX "cp" command. This is so that a directory argument can be properly specified. [Nate Woods]
- [Imgtool] Added the ability to get and put the boot block, as if it was a file called "??BOOT??". The FAT module has been enhanced to support this feature. [Nate Woods]
- [Windows Imgtool] The insert file dialog will no longer let the user specify a file that does not exist (which was allowed, but eventually resulted in an error.) Also, fixed a few cosmetic errors. [Nate Woods]
- [Windows Imgtool] The disk title is now displayed on the title bar, if present. [Nate Woods]

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.103. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]
- Changed generic cartridge loading so that a ROM_LOAD_CART declaration can be placed in a ROM_REGION. This change makes cartridge loading be specified similar to BIOS loading, and makes things cleaner and more declarative. [Nate Woods]
- Makefile tweaks. (bug #819) [Oliver Stoeneberg]
- Added mandatory attribute to the device tags on the -listxml data. [Nate Woods]
- Pruned out some redundant PORT_NAME declarations. [Justin Kerk]
- [Messtest] Added a trace command, to emit debug traces. [Nate Woods]

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:: MESS 0.103
