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Learning to design..



I am learning HTML basics and want to learn php and My sql in the future.

Just wondering what exactly is the right way to learn web-designing? Is it necessary to learn XHTML, XML or ASP to be a good web designer?

I am using w3school tutorials right now.


mr.V :huh:


There is no right way to learn web design.

Mostly,you just go about how you see fit. You could start learning about database systems and PHP right now if you wanted to.

Is it necessary to learn XHTML, XML or ASP to be a good web designer?

Not really, but it can be helpful to learn CSS and how to write compliant HTML pages. In which case, the W3Schools site is excellent for that.


This is more web related, however XML is very easy to learn (took me days) and extremely useful for all sorts of things. Specific variants of XML encoding (IE generic XML tagging is straight forward it's all the other 'standards' such as MickeySoft's cludges that get you), can be highly troublesome.

Fortunately one does not need to stick to some badly thought out idea of how to use XML to use XML. You can use it for anything. XML is most useful in managing information about your data than actual data.


xtra krazzy

Dolphin Developer
HTML, PHP, MySQL and CSS are all the languages you need to create the perfect webpage. Other than that, I see no reason to learn other languages such as microshaft's ASP and .NET series.
The .NET series also requires an IIS webserver, which is significantly more expensive than free linux servers.
