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Mupen64Plus Dev.
Well, Its going OK as of now, I'll be submitting the 64-bit compatible version soon but beware, its likely to not work. The fact that i can even trick Mupen into gameplay on K:CS (by skipping the intro, going into the game (display freezes, everything else continues) enter star, enter level, save state, stop, play, and restore state) is pretty amazing considering the instability and low quality of this 64 bit port. Anyways, some games may work properly, but I'm STILL on my 64-bit computer and STILL only have K:CS on this PC, so i won't know until i try a 32-bit build on my old computer with the rest of my ROMs on it.

I'm gonna upload the new source right after i get it to run properly on 32-bit. Please note that it is not very clean as of now - just enough to get it compiling on 64-bit Linux.

The next thing I'll be working up to is probably the new Rice plugin, or if I'm too tired of video plug ins for the day, I'll go for something else like cheat codes.

edit: Almost forgot to mention: The only real problem i run into at all is glN64 and its dirty code (mostly housed upon convert.h). The porting of everything else went fine and I'm pretty sure it runs perfectly when you run mupen64_nogui with graphics plugin 0
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