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Jet Force Gemini menu icons


Glide64 beta tester
Name: Jet Force Gemini
Date: 2003-11-22
1964 Version (from the 1964 Window's Title Bar): 2003-11-18


}}}}} Bug#1 {{{{{

Describe the Problem:
All the icons are showed wrong in the menu.

How to Make this Problem Happen:
Only run the game using a graphic plugin that supports this game.

How Often Does this Problem Happen? [Rarely; Sometimes; Often; Always]:

Rate the Problem [Not Serious; A Minor Distraction; Annoying; Urgent]:

Note: see the sshots, the first is from a real N64; the second is form 1964 plus the new beta of glide64.


Emulator Developer
I guess you were using my plugin. Then you can try to turn off the "Fast texture" and "Fine texture" options for this game in the plugin.


Plugin Developer (GlideN64)
Rice said:
I guess you were using my plugin. Then you can try to turn off the "Fast texture" and "Fine texture" options for this game in the plugin.
It happens for any plugin (and any emulator). I think it's core bug here. All icons have the same texture address.
