What's new

jDosbox v0.74.12


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>Windows</b><br><br>News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Added Sound Blaster 16 support. The music in games is a bit off.
* Fixed MOVSX instruction. Now back and strafe left work in Doom.
* Fixed XMS_MoveMemory.
* Added reboot command to help diagnose Applet page reload issues
* Hacked together the PageFaultHandler. Not sure if this is good enough. Djgpp "Hello World" now works, but Noctropolis still can´t get pass its page fault.
* Status: Colonization now works. Duke 3D is a lot closer. Can now start the game and play, but there are glitches.

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