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Intro Remover ?


New member
It's obvious why people hate the intros. They downloaded the game to get a pirated copy of a full game, not some crappy ass altered game with things cut out.


Man on a mission
Intros are part of the scene. It's how the hackers and crackers let it be known that they were the first to release. What's silly here is that people are actually making statements like ArcaneLore's. Cmon man. If you want the FULL GAME. Buy It!


this hwo to skip echolen
to skip cholon intro you have to erase it memory as our friend has posted it
you need to be faimaliar with a hex editor if not try downloading it at
download.com or google then you need to copy the data of specific location which is nessacry for loading the game and delete extra bytes or data
you would understand once you get a hex editor
i prefer hex workshop you can even edit you save games files with it once you are good with memory and byte ordering plus game shark and its codes
but here we need to skip echleon nag image so do as he said you can ask me if you dont understand plus dont ask me for an already modified image sorry in advance for that
Before do it own your own risk if you dont like so be it any damage to you pc
by this in anyway ia m not responisble

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New member

I would look for help myself more, but my internet is being shitty the last few days (pages not loading without trying a hundred times, etc... and all around pissing me off... I called comcast they said they won't be out for a couple days) so how do you extract stuff from the cd in order to do this trick? I didn't quite get it.. what program do you use? I tried winiso...


New member
Okay, I've been looking around on my own for a long time now... I have tried a few things... like well every tutorial I have found on here for the doa fix... but none will work... Is there another release of the game out somewhere? Don't tell me where it is, of course, but does anyone know if there is another release? I don't have the cables and all that to just rip my own copy of it.. plus it looks hard to do from what I read of doing it


New member
echelon, apart from the intros used some compressions techniques on some of it's rips, instead of ripping the game to death as some other groups did, maybe the problem comes from this?

if it goes pass the intro i find it hard to believe the incoming problems derive from it, and removing a piece of code like an intro at the beggining shoudn't impact the playability of the game (if you don't mess with the trainers ofcourse)

if/when chankast emulates 100% the dreamcast we will be seeing echelon rips playing, and even better than the dreamcast because you can overclock it and overcome the decompression overhead

just my two cents


New member
1. Extract the 1ST_READ.BIN file from the CDI or your CD.

What do you mean by extract first read.bin?
I thought the file had to be compressed for it to be extracted?

What's the best program to use?
Ive tried WinISO and IsoBuster but they don't let me access the files on the CD.

I just copied and pasted the 1st_READ.bin file from the mounted image and opened it with hex workshop. I clicked ctrl+G and entered 0xF0000 and it took me here. Is this the right place to be?
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New member
Ok so Ive figured out how to edit the 1ST_READ.bin copy down to the words "The End" not the actual end of the 1ST_READ file itself.

I replaced the original IST_READ.bin file with the new one in a directory I created and then copied the rest of the files from the original VON.cdi image to that dir.

Now Ive read ECHELON's "Dreamcast Self-Boot Tutorial" and I still cant figure out how to turn the contents of the newly created folder into an .iso.

When I add all the files to a new WinISO image the total filesize is only 130MB for some reason, any Idea's?

OMG, Ive just realized that the filesize of the image is 765MB but when I select all the files when browsing the CD it totals 152MB, does this mean that its corrupt?
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New member
astroduck said:
Anyways, just wait for the next version of chankast and hopefully the bug will fix.

Astroduck, why do you keep saying that?? Is it because you want to shut the n00bs up? :p


Noobs are not bad! they dont bother me at all. they seem frustrated with there problems.they probably dont even know which questions to ask,or what the answer means. that mixed with exitement, the DC is a awesome platform.

Noobs Welcome! ?
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New member
WELL in facts not exactly....
DC games ripping is still considered piracy cause licences are still valid
those games could in fact become abondonware only 5 years after the DC death
which means my dear heinster that you will have to wait a little bit more if you want to get (barely) legal game rips

Said barely cause abandonware is not really considered legal but it's tolerated:whistling
