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Intel's spin on ARM windows


Active member
I think it has to do with the fragmented state of the ARM (there are several popular models, SoC, etc. - often with incompatible/additional instructions) plus the hit of not being able to run - without translation/etc - of legacy "Windows" software... I don't seeing Windows ARM being a huge hit personally


Well Crank software has this demo out for windows on the beagle board Xm.
I don't know what it does for anyone though. It's still pretty slow and pretty graphics 'stuff' isn't exciting too me.
A clean graphics interface is far better than the 'complex' and thus inane ones. That's one reason why I dislike windows there are a million ways to do the same thing. Too many loop holes security wise AND too much to know just to do simple things. I'm all for Orthogonal GUI and or OS concepts.

I do agree, 'windows on embedded? YAWN" The only thing I can see it being attractive is for applications that were written on a PC as a quasi embedded app that get migrated too an embedded system because of size space or lack of security.

