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ini question...cos I'm worth it

Ok here goes,

Being an babe in arms at this emulator stuff. I would be grateful if you could provide me with some info about "ini"s.

From what I understand the ini can be edited to make a game playable/improve it. If this is true does this therefore mean that I can cut the relevant text for a game in Mr.x's ini and paste it into Mr.Y's. ini. Basically creating my own personalised ini from all that are available.

Maybe.....just maybe if this is answered I can go from being the "babe in arms" to the "Guy with a baby's arm" of the emulator scene.

Thanks in advance.

God bless me, and all that sail in me


New member
You could cut and paste from one ini to another, assuming the ini's have the same format. In other words, don't take info from the 1964 ini and put it in the PJ64 ini (rdb), or vice versa.

Instead of doing any of this though, I recommend you use the GUI to edit the ini (both 1964 and PJ64 allow this). You can easily change all reletive settings this way, and there is less chance for error. Of course, always back-up your default ini before making changes.;)
