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how to remove the echelon intro


This Is A Custon User Title :p
found this post in another forum so credits to JC for this one

Removing the Echelon intro

Credits to jc

Some people may wish to remove the Echelon intro for one reason or another, a major one being that the intro sometimes screws up the sound/music initialization in their rip of Unreal Tournament (making it emit a nasty screeching sound until a game is started).
(Following example applies to DOA2LE. You can use a similar method for the other games, but the file size will be different.)

1. Extract the 1ST_READ.BIN file from the CDI or your CD.
2. Fire up your hex-editor (I like HEdit or Hex Workshop) and open 1ST_READ.BIN, go to offset 0xF0000 and copy the Hex all the way to 983040 (the end).
3. Make a new file 1929928 bytes large, and paste the contents of the clipboard into it.
4. Save the file, and place it into a directory (ie, C:\SELFBOOTDOA2LE), and extract the data from the CD or the CDI file into that directory as well. Now just follow ECHELON's self-boot tutorial and re-image the CD.


Master of the Emulation Flame
Nice... don't know why you will post it again, because it already was posted on this board... but who cares? why using the search? now the n00bs who always ask the same question can use this thread to read about it...
*without words*


This Is A Custon User Title :p
well maybe the search needed to be sorted out then,. as when i did a search, (u know click search at the top of the board next to new posts and quick links) it came back with "sorry couldn't find nothing" or words to them effects, when i typed in echelon

jeez, nice of people to be quick to think that someone doesn't know how to use a sodding forum, how about thinking that the search turned up NOTHING?

or am i right in saying that its user input error ALL the time? and the website CANT be at fault?

and yes i know its working now, but it wasn't last night, if it makes anyone feel happier, just delete this thread then.
