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how did you get your GC games?

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Active member
HE asked HOW we got them (rip or downloaded) not WHERE we got them (site, site, program, other program, and other stuff like that), not ban-able case here.


Active member
BUT! If people admit to downloading GC isos they have basically admitted to breaking the law, and admitted to being "a rom whore". I doubt anybody here is dim enough to admit it as they can be rightfully ridiculed by the forum regulars. Therefore, this thread is flamebait and will likely end up in someone getting banned if it is not closed.


Active member
Believe me, I would if I could, along with all the other lame ISO threads that are irrelevant to the development of Dolphin.


New member
Alright Im accully going to answer his question:

You can either download ISO's or rip your existing games and play them with your dolphin emulator. Not all games are compatible with the emulator and download ISO's is illegal and you can go to jail.


Just A Guy
Ramsey said:
Alright Im accully going to answer his question:

You can either download ISO's or rip your existing games and play them with your dolphin emulator. Not all games are compatible with the emulator and download ISO's is illegal and you can go to jail.

He didnt ask that
Ho man can someone just close this thread or something :plain:


Active member
Clements said:
Believe me, I would if I could, along with all the other lame ISO threads that are irrelevant to the development of Dolphin.

Right, then I will do it for you.

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