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Help with a Newb at P64/OoT/GameSave


New member
Hello, I'm fairly new at Project 64. I used it before to play through OoT. This time I'm trying it with saves. I've gotten a few saves from the website GameFAQs, as well as from here. I'm not sure what I do next though. I put the saved files in to the Folder I configured, but they don't show up at all. I've tried renaming them among other things and nothing seems to work. Any ideas?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
The saves from GameFAQs are N64 DexDrive saves and they cannot be used in Project64 as is. The only way to "import" them (that I know of) is to use the N-Rage Input plugin, and load the saves into an emulated MemPak before you even start the game.


New member
Okay, how about the saves from other sites as well. Also, how would I go about using/emulatin the N-Rage.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
The short version:

Download N-Rage (check this site)
Put it into your Plugin folder
Make N-Rage the active controller plugin.
Configure it to emulate the MemPak, and import your DexDrive save to that emulated MemPak.


New member
NRage_Dinput8_v2.dll? If so that came installed with my P64. I put that has my Controller, and now it says No Controller when I boot up OoT

and Final Question: How would I have it emulate the Memory Pak
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16-bit Corpse | Moderator
chekc the version of your N-rage Input in Options --> Settings --> Plugins. Upate if your version is anything less than 1.83a or 2.00

Make sure that the Player 1 controller is marked as "Plugged in". The memPak can be enabled/disabled (or switch with the Transfer Pak or Rumble Pak) via the Controller Pak tab.
