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Help!!! Problem with Direct64 0.5 ALPHA


New member
Hey, whenever I try to load a rom using the Direct64 video plugin I get the following message no matter what emulator I use:
Error compiling color imge pixel shader!

Shader Code

sampler colorimage : register(s3)
;float4 ps_main( float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0 ) : COLOR0
return tex2D( colorimage, texcoord );


error x3506: unrecognized compiler target '(null)'

Or maybe this plugin is outdated or bad is there anything else out there good for GoldenEye, Mario64, and Zelda 2: MM? I have 1964, Nemu64, Project64, and UltraHLE


Active member
What graphics card do you have? Direct64 requires a video card with Pixel Shaders.


New member
It's in his profile Clements, just didn't have a signature enabled I guess;
Radeon IGP 345M

Based on the 7000 chipset I believe, so it doesn't support Pixel Shaders.


Active member
Oh, now I know I need to check the profile if nothing shows up. :p

Looks like the Radeon 9000 IGP may be the minimum requirement for Direct64 in terms of integrated solutions since it has Pixel Shaders. I guess that the 345M may be Rage Pro-type graphics but I'm not sure since ATi's site doesn't give decent spec sheets for these.


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mochabcha said:
error x3506: unrecognized compiler target '(null)'

This error means your card doesn't support pixel shaders, which Direct64 requires. I guess I should add a more informative error message for this...



New member
Oh thats great my video card support pixel shader :p but Im have many erros with the direct64 plugin :bye3:

Sorry for my bad english xD
