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Happy Belated



Emulator Developer
How's this for synchronicity:

Slougi, You had 1964 posts when you wished 1964 a happy birthday :)


New member
See? I AM THE CHOSEN ONE! Now gimme that beta ;P

Seriously though, didn't even notice that :) I rarely look at my post count.


New member
mightyrocket said:
Okay, and when you've got the beta, would you send him to me? :p
Ok, I'll send schibo to you when I get the beta :)

(In case you were referring to the beta, you should have used "it", not "him" ;))


The Great One
4 years, hard to beleive that it is so, Of course I cant rememebr back when it was a baby, since I wasnt really into emulation until the late 2001.
I know that 1964 will continue to grow, and I await the next version of the emulator, which i assume will be coming soon.


The Smart One
It has been great following 1964. :1964:

First release that that caught my attention:

| |
| v0.3.2 (December 12, 1999)|
-- Last release of 1999
-- Whew! It's been a while, yes ? :) I didn't want to release until
Gerrit's Mac1964 3d hle gl fun was working in the Windows version
(it still doesn't, btw) but I figured it's time we showed that we're
still alive here and back in business, lol :) (schibo)
-- Speed optimization to FPU..Try fractal zoomer :)
-- Various additional speed enhancements and bug fixes
-- Thanks to icepir8 for fixes to dmult & dmultu

First release:
| |
| v0.0.1 (April 09, 1999) |
-- First version of 1964 released on internet: (schibo)
Most opcodes decoded; only a handful implemented.
Simple debugger added. Shows MainCPU Regs only.

grand master

Emualtion Pimp
Wow 4 years already!!!!

Well Happy Birthday all ze same.
Thanks for your tremendous work and dedication!!
:holiday: :1964: :holiday:
