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Guys need some help here for TXR2


New member
hi all, im new here and i have a problem with running the Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2. everytime i run it it show dreamcast logo after the sega logo came out it hang there with black screen :(

help me~~pls i really wanna play this game...


New member
axcc123 said:
if it don't work it don't work the emu is not perfect is not bieng worked on
then why they said the ingame running well, sounds isnt that choppy and some graphics problem ..... guys really need this game and i love this game so much:( now im using daemon V3.29 with latest chankast v2.5 and it freeze after the intro...


New member
I'm using daemon V3.29 and chankast v2.5 and it works near perfect for me. Maybe you just have a bad copy of the game.

Mouser X

New member
Also, what OS are you running? I'm runnning WinXP Pro SP1. I've heard that some people have issues with Daemon Tools 3.29 if they're using SP2. This may not be the issue, but the possibility is there. What hardware are you using? What OS? What version of DirectX?

And, yes, I'd have to agree. Try using "CDcheck" or "CDMage" (search for them on Google) to verify that the image you're using is a valid one. If it checks out as valid, then the only other suggestion I can think of, is to look for another image that might work. Hopefully this was helpful. Mouser X over and out.


New member
chilly0123, can u share the link of TXR2 for me?

Mouser X, my os window MCE2005 and Direct X 9.0c. i think i having problem with my Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 image cause i run the Powerstone 2 and DOA2 is running well.

hoep u guys can share the link or send to me on msn:)


New member
i have powerstone 2 and doa2 working too so it must be a bad copy. mine is a .cdi file so make sure when u find a new copy that it is also a .cdi file, thats as much help i can give without breaking the rules.
