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got problem with 3D action


Gunz Player
the FPS slows down to 30 with some games but with others always run 59 to 60 FPS
computer problem??
or rom problem??


Emutalk Member
the updated RDB will help to some extent by disabling ABL, thought you may need faster PC.. some slowdowns may be unavoidable


The Great Gunblade Wielder
Conkers bad fur day seems to drop in frames on alot of pc's even mine it does slightly, its still playable though.

i play in 1280x1024 with aa/af 4x/8x.
and it runs at a playable rate on the below system

SSB also slows down depending on how much of the bg is shown. i've noticed that on the mini games it tends to be slower coz of the amount of stuff in the bg.
