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eer how to use?

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New member
ok, no need to call me stupid about this, i want to know exactly how to use this. how do i get my games working? i've searched all over the internet to find out how i can stick the game in my computer and see it on screen, be able to take music from it, and all that. and i want to be able to play it as well. so far all i know how to do is open the exe file and read the text files.


Master of the Emulation Flame
Just search on google for "how to rip GC games" and you will see how to rip your games and put them onto your hdd to play them and extract the files and so on...


Active member
JKKDARK, you should know the rules.. it's forbidden to give out info on HOW to obtain GC games on the PC....


Active member
We do not discuss on Where or how to obtain copyrighted material. Why? because it's illegal.


New member
Yes and no... many countrys does allow it but some dont. And this forum cant use rules from all countrys at same time so we must alternativly choose a no as rule!


New member
It makes no sense. It's an emulation forum; if we cannot discuss about how to dump our own games, how can we discuss running commercial games on emulators?


Active member
It does make sense, what tells us you're not going to rip the games and distribute them on the net? What tells us you're not going to rent or borrow the games and rip them?

We should have NOTHING to do with the way you get your games.


New member
Yeah, emulators aren't supposed to used with games silly ;) You just download the emu and look at all the amazing buttons and menus ;)


New member
lol, i'm not that kind of person, if i rip a game, it stays with me. i don't do tat kind of crap. if someone wants my game, i'll tell them "go get your own" and i don't rent ANYTHING, i buy :p


Active member
It's not anything about your case, I'm talking in general. We do not tell how or where to get games not to get in trouble. Read the rules, if you didn't agree with them, don't post.


New member
I think this thread should be closed do prefent new "why not" posts... since the main question is done.
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