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Dumb Question ???


New member
I know this is a stupid question, but I cant open the chankast file after I download it. My computer does not recognize the file type, and I dont know where to go from here. Would anybody be willing to help my incompetent a$@...

Mouser X

New member
Well, when you downloaded it, chances it came as a *.ZIP or a *.RAR file. In other words, what's the extension, the last three digits, past the " . "? Once you find that out, search for it on Google.

While I may sound a little rude in suggesting it this way, I'm only doing so, because I believe you have the competency to learn how to do something like this in the future. Hope this helps. Mouser X out.


New member
It came in a .rar file, I've never seen this type of file before thats why I'm lost with this. I appreciate the response and I'll try to google it, in the meanwhile if you have any more info on the .rar file I would really appreciate the help. Thanks...


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Get WinRAR or any other program that handles crompressed RAR archives and work from there. RAR is one the most common compressed archive formats, so I find it a little hard to believe that you have not stumbled upon it in any form until now (unless you got your first computer only recently and/or you are fairly oblivious to compressed file formats in general).
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New member
I got it open thanks alot. I really appreciate it. Now is there any chance you would be able to tell me where I could find working dreamcast roms? Thanks

Mouser X

New member
Please, look at the topics in this, and other forums, on this board. Specifically, here and here. If I seem annoyed, I appoligize. However, these questions are asked nearly everyday. That's why these FAQ topics and rules are posted. I'm sorry I can't help you anymore on that. Mouser X over and out.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
spades310 said:
I got it open thanks alot. I really appreciate it. Now is there any chance you would be able to tell me where I could find working dreamcast roms? Thanks
Dreamcast games are not ROMs even though their prior medium were GD-ROMs. Dumped Dreamcast games are CD images like all dumps of CD/DVD-based games.

Read the board rules please.
