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DeSmuME 0.9.9


Galactic FREAK
Category: <b>Nintendo DS</b><br><br>DeSmuME is a Nintendo DS emulator running homebrew demos and commercial games. The original author of DeSmuME is YopYop156. He has stopped working on it on the beginning of april 2006 and passed the torch to a new team of developers.


Here is release note for latest version:
Yes, it’s been a while since the last release, but we haven’t been completely idle. There’s a brand new jit cpu core which yields some impressive speedups, and a ton of work on the OSX port!

Head on over to the download page and check it out!

Also, please don’t post bug reports or support requests in the comments. It’s a terrible venue for that, and there are other places specifically designed for it, such as, say, the support forum

Turn on JIT (dynamic recompiler) for HUGE speedup (in menu Config->Emulation Settings)

Visit projects WIKI for further information and official homepage for latest emulator builds.
