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Day and Time Modifiers


Yoshi Freak
These are Day & Time Modifier codes for Majora's Mask V1.0 (U).

Day Modifier
801EF68B 00??
01 1st
02 2st
03 Final
04 New
If one uses 00, one'll get a mysterious day.

Time Modifier
811EF67C ????
B550 5:00 Day
8000 12:00 Day
5000 7:00 Day
3E00 3rd Day**
3500 5:00 Night
0000 12:00 Midnight
CB00 7:00 Night
You can mess around with the values to get different times. That's how I came up with these.
** The reason I call it 3rd Day, is because it is (supposed) to be used on the 3rd Day. Used on third day because it freezes the time exactly where the Earthquake kicks in, thus making it repetitive. (like TV ;) )

Now for Ocarina of Time V1.0 (U)!

8111A5DC ????
4000 At Sunrise
5800 Daylight Out
7000 Very Bright Out
C000 At Sunset
D000 Fairly Dark
I understand PJ64 1.6 comes with this cheat. But this could make the day look like night even though it is really day.
