What's new

Daedalus for PSP R12 Released


Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>
[!] Fixed issue preventing Goldeneye from being loaded.
[!] Fixed dynarec for Goldeneye.
[!] Fixed dynarec for Super Smash Bros.
[!] Fix various texturing issues with 4bpp and small or non power-of-2 textures.
[!] Fix TexRect instructions with negative s/t components.
[!] Fixed the HUD in Mario 64 (broken in R11.)
[!] Fixed lights in F3DEX2 microcodes.
[+] Correctly implement instruction fetch exceptions, improving compatibility.
[+] Improved floating point compatibility.
[+] Correctly handle mask_s/mask_t tile values.
[+] Implemented a few custom blend modes.
[+] Screenshots just cover visible viewport.

:: Daedalus for PSP Official Site
:: Daedalus for PSP R12
