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Conker's Bad Fur Day - Problems in v0.8.3c


New member
Hey guys..

In previous versions of 1964, multiplayer in Conker (deathmatch, to be more specific) worked just fine for 2 players (split screen). When one tried to play with 3 or 4 players, though, it wouldn't work, because the graphics and the controls would mess up.

When I got version 0.8.3c, I rushed to check if this issue had been solved (4-player deathmatch in Conker is unbelievably fun), but to my surprise I couldn't even play 2-player DM anymore - both players' screens would get juxtaposed, making it completely unplayable.

Has anybody had the same problem? Do you guys think there might be any solution to this? I'm using Jabo's direct3d plugin v1.40...

Thanks for the attention!


N64 Addict
Hmmm....ill look into this, if you look at the old (orig) Ini file, i have used the same settings in the new Ini, with the exception of CF- (i corrected some hanging/freezing issues), so the only difference would be the RSP LLE/Jabos DS support (which is new), it might be that but i know the normal game works great, and ill check out the multi-player and see what i can find.


New member
Thanks for your time, really appreciate it...

I know most people have never even tried the multiplayer games in Conker, but I assure you that it's worth it (at least the deathmatch one)... :)
