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Barry Manilow a Weapon of Mass Destruction?


New member
You never know, the kids might actually like it and congregate even more, treating that mall as some kind of Barry Manillow shrine.

Probably won't happen though :D


Well he is what he is... whatever that may be. There was an interesting thing on Sci channel on how to discourage teens. Apparently they are more susceptible to HF sound (finger nails on a chalk board). And like those fancy rat deterrents can be driven away with it. It does take some carefully constructed sound though, not just HF. Once they hear it ... it's like rats abandoning a ship on fire. Older people (IE > 50) it doesn't effect because they have age related (or really loud music related) hearing losses. Cyb


I can hear those sounds still and I am not really affected by them. Slightly inconveniencing, but nothing on the scale many other young people report. I know it's a noise that gets through your skull, but still.

I remember one time when a guy played it all class, practically the entire class, barring me and him were freaking out at him behind the teacher's back.


Forget Barry Manilow's music. Put up billboard size pictures of his nose everwhere and it will scare off the kids... and all the customers.
