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Audio bug in OoT


New member
At times in dungeons, I hear no notes play when I use the Ocarina. However, if I play a song, it plays when you finish it. This seems to happen randomly in dungeons. Any workarounds?


Stupidity_Emu said:
At times in dungeons, I hear no notes play when I use the Ocarina. However, if I play a song, it plays when you finish it. This seems to happen randomly in dungeons. Any workarounds?

You you can record a nemu movie of this happen, i'd like to see it. :)

Rom/Nemu movie start record.

I always thought my zelda sound was working fine.


Beta Tester
this happens to me as well, i experienced it in the graveyard, when you go down the grave, and there's a fairy fountain behind a sun stone, and you need to play the sun's song, no ocarina noise there


New member
LaC, I am unable to upload because the file size is too big even after I rared it. I hope you get what me and Federreli are talking about and will fix this bug.


Does anyone know anything that can play .nmf files other than nemu64? I want to view the movie but I dont use nemu.:plain:


Harteex das Brot
No problems

alexa999: Why not just try Nemu? Is there any reason why you don't want to try it?
