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About the *.ips files........


get a tool called IPSWin from Smiff's site... www.smiff.clara.net

1. Rename the rom with GoodN64
2. Swap the rom to the right format (using Tool64 also on smiff's site) (have i got the name right?!?)
3. Apply the IPS using IPSWin
4. Rename rom with Goodn64


PJ64 Lubba
*.ips files are patches. they were used but translation groups to translate jap snes roms to english! and recently, u can patch known bad n64 roms to make them good! Using a patch tool usually SNESTool or IPSWin, the patch is applied directly to the rom. its quite easy, just follow the instructions on the program.

Quvark, what format is the right format? n64, v64, z64, rom, bin or another one? i could easily patch snes roms, but no luck with n64.


Read up on it at Smiff's site, he has a little guide there on managing your N64 ROM collections. It's the format that goes 1234...
