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64 bit processors


New member
scotty said:
128-bit CPU, Itll never happen for another few more years.

Remember PS2 is only for games, CDs and DVDs. PC's have to go on the internet, explores around the net, many things are on there and it needs more memory than a PS2 or any console. PC hold much memory on its computer, where it has to remember ALL your ROMS on your computer when you install them, other files like MSN, ICQ. These slow down processing seeds of a computer. Consoles dont have all this in memory.

Storage space has nothing to do with processing power. You do know that a 128bit CPU can support MUCH more memory than a 32bit one right? I'm talking about RAM, not hard drive space. Also, PC's don't store everything in memory at once, it just loads what you are using off the hard drive into RAM.


The Great One
yes you are right, a 128-bit processor can do more as opposed to a 32-bit processor. I meant RAM as well back there, not Hard Drive Space.


Irrelevant Insight
More than likely.

Personally, for the forseeable future I don't see the point in going above 32bit. Admittedly it's a step in the right direction, but really the vast majority of that functionality potential will not be fulfilled for a long time.

Perhaps Longhorn will speed things up, but I'm betting we'll be in the age of 32bit for a while to come.

I bought my PC (specs below) this summer, despite all this 64bit malarky, a) because of the prices involved and b) because I thought it a waste of time to hold out for a technology that won't even be beneficial to me. As with all computer-related stuff, you can wait forever... there'll always be something new around the corner. Life's too short. Besides, I can't see my PC getting dated anytime soon :cool: .
