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Editing controls on Mac


New member
Hi there,

I have Mupen64Plus successfully running on my mac, but I would like to edit the input dylib file to enable my mouse. I downloaded xcode, but cannot open the dylib file for editing - I do not really know what I'm doing but am happy editing the code once I'm there.

Thank you for any help!



New member
To change the controls on your Mac you need to open the file ~/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg (where ~/ denotes the path to your user directory, for example, /Users/npepinpe/.config/mupen64plus/mupen64plus.cfg in my case). There is a section for the plugin called "[Input-SDL-Control1]" (or Input-SDL-ControlX, where X is the number of the controller).

For more info on how to configure your controls, see the wiki (apparently I'm forbidden from posting URLs..., so here is an unparsed one: code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/wiki/ControllerSetup)
