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Classic99 v347


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Category: <b>Windows</b><br><br>News via :: AEP

Classic99 is an open-source Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer emulator for Windows.


Change free sectors on FIAD disks to make sector based programs willing to try to write
open DSK images as binary to prevent read translation errors
Add read/write breakpoints for VDP and GROM addresses
Save file open information into the right buffer
Check a file is open before reading or writing it (or restore or scratch)
Fix bitmap mode masking
Rework X instruction - more efficent and works correctly with jumps now
Fixed case where X instruction may be skipped, depending on race
Fixed case where cycles may be lost due to race condition
Moved debug GUI buttons into drop-down menu
Made fast-forward from debug GUI reset timers correctly
Closing debug dialog should now clear all debug modes and restore normal operation
Changed disk Open() methods to return the new FileInfo object used, fixes certain cases of lost state
Added CHARA1 as a resource for the save RAM dialog
added cycle counting to run result report
Fixed LOAD opcode in FIAD disk not to load more than program says is valid (used to read whole of last sector or more if file was invalid)
Made debugger memory change require a prefix for CPU and display a warning otherwise
Implemented code to create Cartridge Images (GROM and 379) and E/A#5 program files from the Debug panel from loaded memory
Cartridge image code supports injecting lower-case characters and Editor/Assembler utilities, as well as patching C99 programs
Fixed uninitialized memory tracking for 32k expansion RAM
Added 3.BIN extension for autoloading 379 style carts
Clear all cartridge checks when using User->Open
Fixed the Disk Class to run the DSR powerup only once
Allow ´0´ for CALL FILES() (emulates CS1 mode)
Make CALL FILES actually use up VDP RAM to closer resemble real disk system. You can override with CALL FILES(0)
Added disk configuration dialog
Added menu option to open a disk folder in Explorer (or disk image if you have something like TI99Dir configured)
Added ability to make GROM writable (GRAM?) - not really tested as I have no software to test with
Adde Help->Open Manual to open the PDF file
Disable SID Blaster by default
Don´t check for a 6-byte header on 379 type files
Fix reset race by disabling interrupts on reset (fixes 99/4 startup?)
More accurate CPU instruction counting
OPEN opcode shows the requested filetype in debug
Included Line-by-Line assembler and Lines demo for Mini-Memory on DSK1

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