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Save States don't load - Majora's Mask - (Frozen Video)


New member
Hey, as of recently all of my savestates for Majora's Mask either crash the emulator, or load on a still frame of the scene with the sound playing, or jittering. I have successfully loaded one of them ONCE (with audio problems) but when I tried again it didn't work.

If anyone could help me out, that would be fantastic. I've never played through the game and am too far past the native save to have to do it all again (which I have done twice now)

If you need me to upload anything, or tell you anything else, please ask. I want to fix this asap. Thanks so much.


Active member
Not much I can really suggest, other than make sure the emulator is setup exactly as it was when you made the save state (same config settings, same plugins), and using exactly the same ROM image. Load the state (preferably one that has worked in the past), hope for the best, play the Song of Time or hit an Owl Statue and save normally. Then close down the game, restart from the native save rather than the save state.

If that doesn't work, there isn't really anything that can be done to recover the state. 1964, like most current N64 emulators, uses the high level emulation approach which only 'simulates' the N64 rather than attempt to emulate the hardware 100%. This in part makes the save states unreliable compared to more mature emulators for older systems.


New member
Alright. Thanks dude. I'll see if I can get ANY of them to load again, and I'll do my best to rely on only native saves.

However, I do get occasional crashing, and the game will just stop working. Any clue what might be causing that?


Active member
Sometimes a dodgy video card or drivers can cause crashes. S3 / Savage cards are notorious for it. 1964 is also less stable than PJ64, but quite a bit faster. Could be a regular crash. I guess you could make sure you have an up-to-date ini, such as Siskoo's unoffical one so that you have the latest core settings for every game.
