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POkemon Stadium help


EmuTalk Member
i know this may be a stupid question, and may NEVER be made reality, but is there a way to use a pokemon save file in pokemon stadium to regester pokemon?


New member
Need Help For Pokemon/Emulator/GB

I have some questions!

Can someone please tell me how to play with my pokemon (from pokemon blue) to play with them in pokemon stadium? You see, i am using Gameboy Emulator when I play Pokemon Blue and when I play Pokemon Stadium I use Project.1.6 version (Nintendo Emulator). Is it possible to play with my pokemon from Pokemon Blue to play with them in Pokemon Stadium? Can I insert Pokemon Red into the Nintendo Emulator? I want my pokemon from Red to play with them in Pokemon Stadium. Please this is an emergency


New member
Sorry for late answer.

Yes, it is possible, just use the lastest NRage Plug-in, and use the rom (.gbc) and the save (.sav) on the plug-in options.
