What's new

Yabause 0.8.6 Released


Category: <b>Saturn</b><br><br>
- Fixed a bug which caused the emulator to crash if 68k execution jumped to an invalid address.

- Fixed a bug where the slot buffer pointers weren't set correctly.
- Added a function for debugging SCSP registers

- MODR returns the correct version number now.
- Fixed a bug that caused Local Coordinates, etc. commands to not get executed correctly.

software video core:
- Added vdp2 horizontal flip for cell mode.

linux port:
- Improved vdp1 window a bit.
- Updated website url.
- Some cleanups

macos port:
- Added browse buttons for some settings.
- Added universal build support.
- Emulation loop was optimized.
- Fixed bug when "Run" is selected from the menu.
- Audio is now muted when emulator is paused.
- Fixed Backup RAM saving.
- Fixed a bug that was causing filenames to be parsed wrong.
- Other bug fixes and cleanups.

windows port:
- msys compiling is now fixed.
- Windows position is now saved when program exits.
- Fixed sound volume adjustment. Should be more accurate now.
- Fixed centering bug on joysticks.
- Fixed POV hat diagonals.
- Sound is now muted in the about dialog.
- Other bug fixes.

- Added COFF file support.

:: Yabause Official Site
:: Yabause 0.8.6
