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These people must be shot!!!


Active member
I wouldn't be surprised if the guy who started the lineup doesn't stand in line, but still they are idiots...
omfg, people are in a line for the movie already... christ wait a few weeks til all the rush is dying down then go see it, i mean does it REALLY matter WHEN you see the damn thing?
to some apperentley... but then if they werent in a line to see a movie theyd be out amougst the rest of the world, so i guess we can be thankful


damn, hehe, thats just damn funny, i saw episode 1 the day it came out, i had a friend skip school and buy 12 tickets and then we waited in line after school for like an hour, at most;) hehe, thats what i'll probably do this year, not much of a hassle, fun tho, and what those guys are doing is just over-kill, no need for what they are doing...;)


New member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I hate going to a movie opening night. I always wait until the following Tuesday or Wednesday; the theaters are far less crowded.


New member
i must say i like seeing movies early, for two reasons 1) you don't see most of the 5 minute previews which tell you half the movie 2) my locl cinema has the preview sessions of every new movie so it is out a week early :D


The Xpaniard
Wow!! Malcolm's new signature is really......................................................


Not a Moderator
Anchel don't post like that its anoying, you could have just posted that all in one post whould have saved me looking @ 2 posts :p
